So the CIP system, cooler, heater, flash pasteuriser or UHT system can ultimately be designed to the client’s own particular needs. But no matter what the system concerned looks like in the end, what’s crucially important is what it contains.
Thermal product treatment with cross-corrugated tubes
The Evotube shell-and-tube heat exchanger modules developed by Krones are suitable for a multiplicity of products exhibiting different flow behaviours. Here, the design and dimensions of the heat transfer units are in each particular project specifically matched to the product characteristics involved.
Cross-corrugated tubes are used in Evotube, above all for viscous products, and pay off twice over:
- Firstly, cross-corrugated tubes reduce the space required and also, thanks to shorter heat-up and cool-down phases, the thermal impact on the product. By way of their special structure, they break up the laminar boundary layer in the product flow, thus ensuring high turbulence and heat transfer capacities over a wide performance and viscosity profile. By combining heat transfer units customised to suit the product being handled in each case with an innovative structure for the heat transfer tubes, this concept makes for above-average retention of the product’s taste, vitamin content and colour. As a result, beverages treated with Evotube boast a particularly high level of natural goodness.
- Secondly, the efficient product treatment by means of cross-corrugated-tube technology enables the space required for the heat exchanger (and thus the line’s footprint as well) to be reduced by up to 30 per cent.