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    About us
    Synonymous with holistic systems engineering: Krones

    Krones – One-stop shop for producers of liquid consumer goods

    Top-quality beverages and liquid foods are made of valuable raw materials like water, plant-based proteins and oats, fresh milk or hops, malt and yeast. But before they leave the factory, they go through a host of different processing steps – and the Krones Group has a suitable technical solution for each of these, starting with production itself, then state-of-the-art filling and packaging lines right through to plastics recycling, intralogistics and digitalisation.



    It’s not only millions of beverage bottles and cans that are handled on Krones lines every day, the company’s solutions are also used in the food and stimulants industries, plus the chemical, cosmetics and pharmaceutical sectors.

    The company is headquartered in Neutraubling, Germany, and employs around 18,500 people worldwide. Consolidated sales in 2023 totalled 4.720 billion euros. Around 90 per cent of Krones’ products are sold abroad. Its roughly 2,600-strong international service team make sure customers get fast and targeted support – no matter when and where it is needed. The Krones Group includes not only Krones AG (listed on the stock exchange), but also more than 100 subsidiaries and production, sales and service companies worldwide.

    An omni-capable corporate matrix – the Krones subsidiaries

    The group’s portfolio is rounded off by numerous products and services from Krones’ subsidiaries which perfectly complement Krones AG’s own solutions:

    Process technology

    Filling and packaging technology


    Plastics recycling

    Lifecycle Service

    Digital Services


    • Krones
    • APC
    • Evoguard
    • HST
    • Milkron
    • Steinecker
    • Krones Processing India Private Limited
    • Izumi
    • Javlyn
    • Gernep
    • Kosme
    • Konplan
    • R+D
    • system logistics
    • Ecomac
    • IPS
    • KIC Krones
    • Krones Service Europe
    • MHT
    • Syskron
    • PDA

    Family-owned company turns into technology group

    Since being founded in 1951, the family-owned company has always boldly embraced change and has evolved into a global technology group that offers tailormade solutions for every production step: from individual machines and turnkey lines right through to the planning and erection of entire factories. Krones’ range of capabilities also includes consultancy and digital services that help optimise customers’ production operations. The company invariably adopts an integrated approach based on an all-embracing concept that covers everything from product development and project implementation right through to provision of the requisite service support once the customer’s line or plant is up and running.

    Consistently high expenditure on research and development has played a crucial role in driving Krones’ success story. More than 7,058 full and utility patents bear eloquent witness to the company’s innovative potential. With “Solutions beyond tomorrow”, Krones is proactively pursuing the goal of supporting its customers’ commercial success, helping them on their way into a sustainable future as a dependable partner. Because, for Krones, entrepreneurial success and responsible action are two sides of the same coin.

    Krones' journey to becoming a global technology group

    Krones key statistics

        2023 2022 Change
    Revenue € million 4,720.7 4,209.3 + 12.2%
    Order intake € million 5,376.6 5,782.8 – 7.0%
    Order backlog at 31 December € million 4,122.3 3,466.4 + 18.9%
    EBITDA € million 457.3 373.3 + 22.5%
    EBITDA margin % 9.7 8.9 + 0.8 PP*
    EBIT € million 291.0 230.4 + 26.3%
    EBT € million 310.5 242.1 + 28.3%
    EBT margin % 6.6 5.8 + 0.8 PP*
    Consolidated net income € million 224.6 187.1 + 20.0%
    Earnings per share 7.11 5.92 + 20.0%
    Dividend per share 2.20** 1.75** + 25.7%
    Capital expenditure for PP&E and
    intangible assets
    € million 162.7 118.2 + €44.5 million
    Free cash flow € million – 101.3 371.0 – €472.3 million
    Free cash flow excluding acquisitions € million 13.2 398.2 – €385.0 million
    Net cash at 31 December *** € million 444.7 669.5 – €224.8 million
    Working capital to revenue **** % 17.8 19.0 – 1.2 PP*
    ROCE % 16.3 14.1 + 2.2 PP*
    Employees at 31 December        
    Worldwide   18,513 17,164 + 1,349
    Germany   10,654 10,130 + 524
    Outside Germany   7,859 7,034 + 825

    *Percentage Points **As per proposal for the appropriation of earnings available for distribution
    ***Cash and cash equivalents less debt ****Average of last 4 quarters
