The drinktec is like Christmas: The weeks leading up to it are long, dragging on until you can hardly stand the excitement and anticipation. And when the week finally arrives, it seems to fly by in a matter of seconds. But although the calendar says the week is over, the many impressions and conversations will continue to resonate for quite some time. On Friday evening, the intensity and fullness of the five days of drinktec were clearly etched on the faces of the Krones team. And hardly anyone could resist the temptation to take one last look back as they departed the hall.
The same is true for us, the Krones magazine team. Although our jam-packed editorial calendar is already calling with new topics, we took a moment to ask ourselves what we hadn’t covered in our live communications. Read on for our top five unanswered questions from drinktec – and our answers, of course. Enjoy!
Number 1: What was the story with the selfie sticks?
Some early-morning visitors may have wondered: Who are those people at the Krones booth carrying around selfie sticks and talking into their phone cameras at this hour? Well, they weren’t up-and-coming influencers. They were members of Krones’ China sales team. Because China’s quarantine rules prevented their customers from traveling to Munich, the team took the fair to them – digitally. Each customer received an exclusive livestream, in which the team member explained the exhibits in detail and fielded questions. It was a creative and pragmatic solution – and clearly fun for everyone involved. In China, large groups of colleagues often gathered together to watch the livestream. Doing trade fairs as public-screening parties? The idea definitely has trend potential!