On the Day of Repentance and Prayer on 22 November, a very special activity was arranged for the offspring of Krones workers in the Neutraubling, Rosenheim and Nittenau plants: With no schools open that day, the local training centres offered a childcare programme in the morning in which the next generation were also able to get to know the wide range of technology at Krones. “It was a great opportunity to ease the burden on our workforce while at the same time giving their own children an insight into a vocational career path,” says Björn Brendemühl, an industrial-technical training manager.
Invitation to discover hidden talent
With that in mind, a wide-ranging but age-appropriate TechDay programme was put on for almost 100 schoolchildren between the ages of eight and 15. “What we wanted to do was present the great variety of issues that we in the technical training department deal with,” says Björn Brendemühl, explaining the concept behind the taster day. Following a tour through the premises of the local training centre and the Academy, the inquisitive youngsters were split into age groups – just like in school – so they could get to know the various technical fields, such as electrical engineering, metal engineering and information technology.