The Krones Group employs almost 20,000 people – and each and every one of them is unique: “At Krones, we all work together in an atmosphere of mutual respect, without prejudice and bias, regardless of gender, nationality, religion, age, physical and mental condition, or sexual orientation,” says Uta Anders, the group’s CFO, summing up the workplace culture at Krones. “We encourage precisely that diversity. We think it’s the key driver that enables us to shape the future and continue Krones’ success story. In 2021, we underpinned our commitment by establishing the Diversity Board.”
Advancement of women
To start with, the Diversity Board focussed entirely on the subject of women’s advancement. That was right in line with a resolution then taken by the Executive Board, specifying that at least 15 per cent of roles in top management, meaning the next two levels below the Executive Board, must be held by women by the end of 2024.
In this context, the Diversity Board has supported various ongoing HR initiatives: “We’re examining the general framework conditions applying for women at Krones and are involved in the development programme for female staff with management potential. We also launch pilot projects like the Leadership Tandem, in which two women share a single leadership role, each working part time. Each and every one of these measures will gradually take us closer to the targets we’ve set ourselves,” reports Astrid Haitzer, Head of Sales Staffing and Organization.