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    Big zero for accidents

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    The accident statistics from System Logistics show a big fat zero for 2023. To ensure it stays that way in the future, the company has launched a powerful campaign.

    It was an emotionally challenging day for the employees of System Logistics – and an experience that will have a lasting impact – when the organisation ANMIL (see box) came to the main site in Fiorano, Italy, on 9 May. Taking as their slogan “Eyes open: for a safer future”, they raised awareness among the workforce of the need to prevent accidents in the workplace. The ambassadors for this important issue were two people who had themselves suffered a serious accident at work, since when they have had to live with severely limiting physical disabilities. In their presentations they not only outlined the circumstances that had led to the accidents, but also spoke very openly and honestly about the many different problems and stresses that both they themselves and their families have to deal with. 

    When it comes to injuries and accidents, many people think that if something hasn’t happened before, it won’t happen in the future. The truth is that once always is enough; it’s enough to change a whole life, just like what happened to me when I was only 22. Erwin HächlMaurizio BorelliAssociazione Nazionale Mutilati ed Invalidi del Lavoro (ANMIL)

    ANMIL stands for Associazione Nazionale Mutilati ed Invalidi del Lavoro, a national association representing mutilated and invalid workers. The organisation was founded in 1943, since when it has been advocating for the care and requalification of people who have suffered accidents at work. Alongside providing support for those affected, it also focuses on educational and awareness-raising measures aimed at preventing accidents. 

    A win-win for everyone

    All employees of the System Logistics Group were invited to the event, which they could attend either in person or online. The occasion marked the end of a six-month campaign run within the company. Entitled “Open Eyes” (Italian: Occhi Aperti), it highlighted a number of aspects relating to health and safety. Each month focused on a different topic, for which colleagues were given useful tips and information. The employees were also encouraged to get actively involved, with a competition asking them to take a critical look at potential risks in the workplace. Several non-cash prizes were raffled off at the event as a thank-you for the lively participation.

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    System Logistic’s Health and Safety team together with its guests from the ANMIL organisation

    The most important gain was achieved by all the employees together, however: In 2023 System Logistics did not record a single workplace accident. That’s a fantastic achievement – and the best evidence of what prevention, awareness-raising and a safety culture lived out daily can achieve!

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    These colourful, attention-grabbing slogans were also part of the campaign.

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